Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Just a little character I created a while back, name of squirt.

Monday, March 7, 2016

SCC on the Run

These are the final two pieces I came up with. The first one is more of my favorite Because they are running through the banner and seems slightly more detailed than the second.

SCC on the Run

After having an idea about making the "5k" or "SCC" the runners, I came up with those that are above and thought of the name "SCC on the Run"which is the middle piece, and the left which doesn't go well with the 5k being the runners.

Particularly, I like the right one better, so I plan to take that one and play with it a little more and possibly add some color.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Personal logo

After sketching and all and working with my initials, I decided to just use my first initial, B. Mainly because it is very distinct in the way that I write it when signing my name. As well as will my last initial, H. But for now, I'm going to stick with the B. Below are a few of my sketches and the some digital.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Greenpeace Logo

For the logo project I plan to redesign the Greenpeace logo. Changing their logo from a type logo to more of a vector image. The picture above is a few examples I have been playing around with. I will stay with using the green. Making the logo serious yet peaceful.